Meet Dr. Mubashir Sheriff

Meet Dr. Mubashir Sheriff in Robbinsdale

Dr. Sheriff was born and raised in Arusha, Tanzania. In 2013, he moved to the city of Dar es Salaam, where he received a Doctor of Dental Surgery (DDS) degree from Muhimbili University and served as the Chairman of the Tanzania Dental Student Association. He then returned to Arusha to practice dentistry at Mount Meru Hospital, where he treated traumatic facial fractures and handled emergency dental cases. Inspired by his father's commitment to help others through medicine, he spent his free time serving as a Dental Camp Coordinator for Tamani Foundation, where he executed annual dental check-ups for elementary school students in the village of Matemwe, Tanzania.

In 2019, Dr. Sheriff moved to the United States and in 2024, he graduated with a Doctor of Dental Medicine (DMD) degree from the Tufts University School of Dental Medicine. At Tufts, he proudly served as the class president and led voluntary dental trips to provide low-cost services to underprivileged populations around the U.S.

In his free time, Dr. Sheriff enjoys spending time with his wife, Masuma, and daughter, Hameedah. Whenever time permits, he loves to play a game of tennis or soccer with friends. Having previously lived in Florida, New York and Massachusetts, Mubashir could not be any happier to have settled in the great state of Minnesota and looks forward to serving the Dental Suite community!